American Bulldog

For dog enthusiasts looking for a new breed to bring into the family, the American Bulldog is an excellent choice. Energetic, friendly, and loyal, the breed makes a great companion that gets along well with children and other animals.

Though they are not known to be aggressive dogs, they are very protective of their families and will try to defend them if they feel that they are in danger.


The story of the American Bulldog begins in the past. It’s a story that has been passed down from generation to generation and is often disputed. Many historians suggest the breed dates back to the time when Britain first colonized the United States, but there is little evidence of this history.

The most popular theory is that bulldogs, as we now know them, were first developed in England as farm dogs and used for a variety of tasks, including herding cattle, hunting boar and fighting other dogs.

Of course, these weren’t all they did. They also found work as bull-baiting dogs—dogs trained to attack bulls by biting their noses and faces. In 1835, bull-baiting was outlawed in England, but dogfighting continued until it too was banned in 1849.

The English were tired of seeing their beloved bulldogs suffer, so they crossed them with other breeds like mastiffs and Great Danes in an effort to create bigger, stronger dogs that would be able to handle more punishment in a fight.

Slowly but surely, this new breed began taking over dogfighting rings across England before finally coming over with English immigrants seeking a better life here on our shores.

Is an American Bulldog the same as a Pitbull?

  • Probably not. Although an American Bulldog may be confused with a Pitbull, there are some clear defining characteristics that make these two breeds very different from one another.
  • Specifically, the American Bulldog is larger and more muscular than their Pitbull counterparts, weighing in at up to 120 pounds. They also have a larger head and broader muzzle than Pitbulls.
  • Additionally, they have shorter coats that tend to be smooth or short and rough—whereas Pitbulls typically have a short coat that’s glossy or stiff to the touch.

Characteristics of the American Bulldog

The American Bulldog is known for being a good-natured and protective dog, so if you are considering getting one, it’s important to know the main characteristics of this type of dog. Here is a list of things you should know about them:

  • Size. They’re usually between 20 – 28 inches tall and anywhere from 50 to 120 pounds in weight.
  • Lifespan. American Bulldogs typically live between 10 – 16 years.
  • They have large heads with wide muzzles and distinctive wrinkles on their foreheads. Their ears are upright and folded forward, almost flat against the head.
  • There is no standard coloring for an American Bulldog; they can be white, red, brown, or brindle with white markings — or any other color combination (though these are rarer).
  • They are muscular with short coats that shed moderately year-round and more heavily during shedding seasons (twice per year).
  • The American Bulldog’s temperament varies by lineage; dogs bred for companionship tend to be calmer, while those bred for working may be higher energy and much more independent.
  • Overall, they tend to do well in families that are active but not necessarily sporty (i.e., just going on walks will not be enough exercise), as they need mental stimulation to prevent boredom behaviors like chewing your shoes or digging up your rose bushes!

american bulldog pet


If you’re looking to adopt an American Bulldog, it’s important to remember that this breed is extremely intelligent. Training them early and will often help keep your pet obedient and well-behaved. A common error among many dog owners is failing to implement the same set of rules consistently across the board.

For example, if the family has agreed that their dog should not jump on guests, but a few people in the household aren’t comfortable asking their visitors to stop petting the dog whenever he jumps up to fend off his excited greeting, that inconsistency can lead to confusion for your pup.

Training with positive reinforcement—such as praise or treats—can go a long way in helping you develop good habits with your American Bulldog.


They thrive on the company of humans, and will exhibit a friendly disposition from puppyhood. They have an innate desire to play with children, and they’ll enjoy getting acquainted with your other pets, too.

Furthermore, they aren’t as prone to barking or chewing as other dogs, but they can sometimes be a little stubborn—it doesn’t take much encouragement for them to want to guard their territory against intruders and intruders’ possessions.

If you’re looking for a dog that’s happy in the home, likely great with kids, and easy on the furniture (and if you don’t mind sacrificing space), then an American Bulldog is definitely worth considering.


You aren’t interested in a puppy that requires hours of grooming and constant walking, if you’re like most people. Fortunately for you, the American Bulldog is one of the lowest maintenance breeds existing.

While these dogs are completely content to lie around the house all day and chill, they are also pleased to spend an hour or two every day playing outside.

The good news is that as long as your dog gets enough exercise every day, you can kiss the idea adieu of having to take them for a walk constantly or going jogging with them every morning.

The American Bulldog doesn’t shed very much, either; it’s possible this will be one of your first experiences owning a dog that doesn’t leave heaps of white hair everywhere!

However, these dogs do need to be brushed every so often just so their hair won’t mat up into something reminiscent of a bird’s nest on your head.


American Bulldogs are a strong and muscular breed, but they can be prone to many health problems. They have an average lifespan of 8-15 years, which is why it’s important to monitor your dog’s health throughout their life.

Some of the most common diseases and illnesses are hip dysplasia (a disease that causes thickening in the joint), patellar luxation (a disorder that causes the kneecap to dislocate or move out of its normal position), elbow dysplasia (an inherited disease that affects the joints in elbows) and cataracts (clouding in the eye).

If your dog is diagnosed with any of these diseases, get treatment right away, so they can live their best life.


Grooming American Bulldogs is easy. They are average shedders, with a short coat that does not mat easily. Therefore, brushing them once a week will keep their hair in good shape. Remember that floppy ears need to be checked regularly to avoid ear infections.

Height and Weight

In the general range of American Bulldogs, males are typically between 20-22 inches and weigh between 55-65 pounds. That said, some breeders have bred a smaller dog like the Bulldog Miniature or a large dog like the Mastiff to be very close in size to an American Bulldog.

When it comes down to it, there is no way for you to know for sure. You could get lucky and get a miniature bulldog that is in the normal weight range, or you could get a large bulldog that is overweight and potentially dangerous for your family. Both breeds can be reasonably healthy despite their size, but both breeds can also suffer from other health issues such as joint problems, hip dysplasia, etc…

Are American Bulldogs aggressive?

American Bulldogs aren’t particularly aggressive, but they do need to be socialized from a young age. This will help them feel comfortable with other dogs and people.

If an American Bulldog hasn’t been socialized, it may be due to a lack of confidence, a lack of being exposed to common situations or environments, or simply because it doesn’t have the right temperament for the home in which it lives.

A poorly socialized dog may have developed some bad habits such as barking at strangers, guarding food or toys from other dogs or people, mounting other dogs or people and growling or snapping when any of these things happen.

Is an American Bulldog a good family dog?

  • Bulldogs are affectionate, loyal, and patient.
  • They’re good with children and other pets and make good family dogs—but can be overprotective of their families, so it’s important to socialize them early on.
  • They’re also very intelligent but independent thinkers, so give them a lot of mental stimulation early in life.


Because of this tendency towards protective behavior, it is essential to socialize your American Bulldog as early as possible. The breed should be introduced to people and other animals when very young to help it learn how to interact in different situations.

The American Bulldog is considered a medium-to-large-sized dog with short hair that comes in a variety of colors, including white, red brindle, fawn, or piebald.

With its muscular build and large bone structure, the American Bulldog requires plenty of space for exercise during its life span, which can reach 12–16 years old. Like most breeds of dogs, regular exercise will keep your American Bulldog happy and healthy for many years of companionship!

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