Fila Brasileiro


The Brazilian Fila is an ancient breed of dog. There are two major ideas about the origin of these dogs, but historians are unable to determine which is right.

According to the first version, the breed originated from a mix between the Bloodhound, an English Mastiff, and the Old Bulldog (which lived in the 15th century). A second theory asserts that these canines are descendants of Portuguese and Spanish dogs who were brought to Brazil during the Iberian Union.

So, they may be related to several European dogs, such as the Cao de Castro Laboreiro, the Spanish Mastiff, the Cao de Gado Transmontano, the Cao Fila de San Miguel, and the Rafeiro do Alentejo, among others.

In any event, the breed has persisted to the present day and has maintained a number of Middle Age-era characteristics. The Fila Brasileiro was bred and turned into a full-fledged breed on cattle ranches, farms, and plantations.

One of these characteristics, which many regard as the most important, is the dog’s ability to seize the victim with a death grip, but not to strangle or shred him, but to hold him until the hunter comes. With these dogs, large wildlife, including the jaguar, was hunted. Obviously, humans started using this kind of dog’s grasp not only to hunt large wildlife, but also to capture fugitive slaves.

However, hunting with these dogs was also common sense. With their assistance, it was feasible to capture a live jaguar and sell it in Europe for a profit. Therefore, the Fila were worth twice as much. Typically, the dog would seize the victim by the neck and squeeze it as though with pincers. At least four dogs were used to hunt the jaguar.

Until the early 20th century, when slavery started to decline, this type performed these duties virtually constantly. In addition to capturing captives and hunting, Fila often acted as a guard and watchdog. In 1946, the first formal breed standard was drafted. Dr. Paulo Santos Cruz made significant contributions to the evolution of the breed.

Because of its size, power, and aggressiveness, the Fila Brasileiro is banned in several countries.


It is a giant dog with a rectangular body, robust and strong, with medium-sized legs. The head is massive and weighty, with enormous, drooping ears. The chest is broad and deep, and the croup is situated over the withers (which is fairly rare).

Thick skin develops creases, especially around the neck. Color – black, tiger, pale, with an occasional black mask. The fur is short, and the tail is medium-length.


At first appearance, the Fila Brasileiro dog breed gives the impression of a sluggish, even phlegmatic animal. However, this appearance is quite deceptive. This is not at all what it seems at first glance, as these animals have remarkable agility, considering their body mass and build, agility, speed, and reaction time.

The breed possesses an aggressive trait that must be directed appropriately. Otherwise, unrestrained aggressiveness may be disruptive. Without training, the dog will be unpleasant and potentially even violent toward strangers and other dogs on the street. As you are aware, this behavior is inappropriate in today’s civilized society.

Socialization is necessary and must begin at a young age. In addition, working with the breed of File Brasileiro involves several peculiarities. Specifically, you may not leave the dog alone with strangers or individuals at home or at a guesthouse. Even if this individual is well-known to the dog and often visits your home, there is nothing about strangers to say.

What occurs in the dog’s brain is unclear, yet he might interpret things incorrectly and display hostility. Within its family, the dog demonstrates friendliness, openness, and becomes the best companion and most true, loving, and patient buddy.

They are very resilient creatures that can easily accompany you on a trek, a long stroll, or a vacation across the globe. Your pal will be a trustworthy partner who will never disappoint you.

It is natural for the Fila Brasileiro breed to have strong protective instincts; they do not even need training. Repressing such impulses is not only illogical, but also very detrimental, since they are the dog’s inner calling, which he feels with his whole self.

If the animal bred for such a purpose does not meet your needs, just do not breed him. Excellent scent and sense of smell, attentive and daring to fight. Highly clever and perceptive.

High-energy individuals must engage in regular exercise, walks, and other activities. The ideal environment for a Fila Brazilleiro is a private house with a large fenced yard, but if you can offer the dog sufficient exercise, you may keep it in an apartment.

Youngsters are OK if they are family members, but it is best not to leave children under six years old alone. In addition, the youngster must be instructed in the laws of animal behavior.


Fila Brasileiro is a breed that must mainly develop social behavior, and training helps to refine the dog’s instincts and ensure its submission to the owner.

Obviously, the owner should not experience any dread or discomfort in the presence of his pet; if you are terrified of giant dogs, you should not acquire this breed. Additionally, it is not suggested as a first-time dog.

Beginning at a young age, training should be constant, uninterrupted, patient, and pleasant. You should always assume the role of leadership. Rudeness and too many scoldings are not allowed because the dog is intelligent and sensitive to unfairness.


The Fila Brasileiro has a short coat that needs little upkeep, if any. Combing once per week is sufficient, and bathing is also performed once per week. The ears are cleaned 2-3 times a week, while the eyes are cleaned daily. On average, claws are trimmed three times each month.

Common Illnesses

Fila Brasileiro is a very healthy dog. Infrequently encountered are:

  • Dysplasia of the hip;
  • Dysplasia of the elbow;
  • Gastric torsion.

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